Boosting Engagement at Corporate Wellness Events: Strategies for Increased Attendance

Corporate wellness events are invaluable opportunities for employees to prioritize their health and well-being, fostering a positive work environment and enhancing productivity. However, ensuring high attendance and engagement at these events can be challenging. Here are some effective strategies to boost engagement and increase attendance at corporate wellness events:

By implementing these strategies, companies can create vibrant and engaging corporate wellness events that attract high attendance and foster a culture of health and well-being in the workplace. Investing in employee wellness not only benefits individuals but also contributes to a more productive and resilient workforce.

Elevating Workplace Wellness: Integrating Corporate Yoga for Enhanced Employee Well-being

In the contemporary corporate world, prioritizing the well-being of employees isn't merely a bonus; it's a vital strategic move to retain high quality talent. As businesses increasingly acknowledge the significant influence of a thriving workforce on both productivity and morale, the adoption of corporate wellness programs is on the rise. Amidst the array of wellness solutions offered, one practice shines for its comprehensive advantages—Corporate Yoga.

Corporate yoga isn't just about stretching or striking a pose; it's a comprehensive approach to enhancing physical, mental, and emotional wellness in the workplace. By incorporating regular yoga sessions into the corporate culture, organizations can address various wellness pillars, from stress reduction to improved focus and creativity.

One of the key advantages of corporate yoga is its versatility. Whether it's a brief session during lunch breaks, virtual classes, or dedicated classes before or after work hours, companies can tailor yoga programs to suit their employees' schedules and preferences. Additionally, corporate yoga fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among colleagues, enhancing team dynamics and promoting a positive work environment.

Moreover, corporate yoga aligns seamlessly with other wellness initiatives, such as meditation and fitness programs. By integrating these practices, companies can offer comprehensive wellness solutions that cater to diverse employee needs and preferences.

Beyond the physical benefits, corporate yoga serves as a powerful tool for leadership training and team building. Through yoga practice, employees cultivate mindfulness, resilience, and emotional intelligence—essential qualities for effective leadership and collaboration. Team building events centered around yoga create opportunities for colleagues to connect on a deeper level, breaking down barriers and fostering a supportive workplace culture.

In today's competitive job market, offering all-inclusive wellness benefits, including yoga programs, can differentiate employers and attract top talent.

Spice Up Your Kitchen: Crafting Homemade Hot Sauce and Dressings

Spice Up Your Kitchen: Crafting Homemade Hot Sauce and Dressings

Store bought sauces are filled with preservatives and additives, homemade sauces and dressings allow you to control the quality and source of each component. Check out our favorite recipes below!

What are the benefits of implementing a workplace wellness program?

What are the benefits of implementing a workplace wellness program?

It’s the start of Q2, and you just received an email that makes you consider implementing a “wellness challenge” at the office.  It’s not the first time you’ve heard this word used. Wellness is a highly publicized buzzword flying around these days. The real question is, are there really any benefits in implementing workplace wellness programs for the employer and employees?

Sure, there’s a general increase in well-being and feeling good, that’s great. But what are some concrete benefits in the work setting? Furthermore, why should you consider to bring about this wellness challenge given that you have several Q2 goals to hit with your team.

We’ve put together a brief list addressing frequently asked questions to solve all your qualms and prepare you for a wellness benefits meeting with your team.

3 Mindfulness Practices for Your Work Day

3 Mindfulness Practices for Your Work Day

Workplace perks are continually increasing to attract talent in a competitive job market, including healthier snack options, on-site yoga classes, the option to work from home, and even gourmet catered lunches. Sadly, however, many of us still have days where we just can’t seem to relax and enjoy our work.

Why? Maybe you didn’t have time to enjoy your cup of coffee in the morning or you snoozed one too many times and had to rush to get out the door which swept you into a frenzy for the remainder of the day. When you have days where you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or nothing seems to go your way, you’re more susceptible to getting triggered at work. Frustration can bubble up in a conversation causing your body temperature to rise. The interruptions from new emails, meetings, phone calls, and deadlines leave you so overwhelmed that your upper back or jaw tighten up! Then, by the time you get home you’re so exhausted the only possible way to unwind is to sit in front of a mindless task and you can’t seem to shake off the dreary draining feelings. It’s a cycle.

3-Step Guide on Relieving Low Back Pain at Your Desk

3-Step Guide on Relieving Low Back Pain at Your Desk

It’s Thursday mid-morning, you’re at your desk sipping on a warm cup of coffee as you stare down a tight deadline. After messaging your manager that you’re on track, you can’t help but notice the aching pain in your low-back preventing you from fully concentrating at the task at hand.

At first, you may be hesitant to mention anything to anyone. Aside from this pain, you feel vibrant and full of life but you can’t seem to kick the ache. Fifty percent of all working individuals admit to having back pain symptoms each year. In fact, back pain accounts for more than 264 million lost work days in one year - that’s about two working days for every full-time employee!

3 Facts About The Soda Water You Love to Drink

3 Facts About The Soda Water You Love to Drink

ou just stepped out to grab lunch at your favorite downtown spot. Instead of reaching for a can of soda as you slowly approach the cashier, you lean in to pick up that fizzy, refreshing, bubbly soda water. You pop open the can walking back to your office only to notice that everyone in town seems to be carrying a bottle of sparkling water.

Sipping a soda water is now as common as enjoying a cup of fresh brewed Starbucks coffee. Corporate offices are stocking up their employee fridges and companies like Bevi are making a killing to ensure an easier refill of your fizzy water with the tap of a touch screen.

Perhaps it’s the bubbles that make this type of water so fun to drink. But did you know that before the flavored bubbles, carbonated water was first introduced in pharmacies as medicine when it was invented back in 1767? It wasn’t until the 1900’s that carbonated water started to take the shape of cola, flavors and sugary drinks.

Our bodies are composed of roughly 60 percent water, and we need to replenish daily with the doctor’s recommendations of eight cups of water per day. Especially if we’re hitting our favorite yoga class to sweat the stress away.

The fizzing question is, are there any other health effects we should watch out for? Keep reading to find out 3 facts you should know about your new crush on soda water and how it’s really affecting your body.

3 Tips to Successfully Define and Keep Your New Year Resolution

3 Tips to Successfully Define and Keep Your New Year Resolution

If you’ve sung the mantra ‘new year, new you’ before, you’re probably well versed in the slippery slope of broken resolutions. The idea of the clock ticking to 12:01 to provide a fresh start is enticing, especially after all the frosting-covered sugar cookies and fancy holiday cocktails. In reality, over half of the new year’s resolutions set are forgotten by the time January 15th rolls around. We fail for 3 main reasons:

1. Our goals are not intentional,

2. Our resolutions are too vague, and

3. We don’t create an actual plan to succeed!

Below are three easy steps to identify, work towards, and achieve your 2019 new year resolutions helping you thrive through the end of the year.

6 Best Practices for Enjoying the Holiday Feast

‘Tis the season for friends, family, festivity, and food. Lots of mouth-watering can’t stop eating, just one more bite, comfort food. If you’re like us, you’re getting hungry just thinking about the delicious desserts and savory sides that accompany the holiday season. But we aren’t rookies. While buttery mashed potatoes, juicy turkey smothered in gravy and pumpkin pie with a side of eggnog might make us feel warm and fuzzy inside, the holiday menu can also bring with it other less desirable gifts we’d prefer to avoid during the “happiest time of the year”.

Thankfully, Americans on average only gain about one to two pounds during the holidays. While this doesn’t sound dramatic, research shows it adds up over the years. Therefore, mindful eating habits are key before we move into the holidays to ensure a joyous season leading us guilt-free into the New Year. Whether your more likely to eat out with friends and family or enjoy one too many five course meals at home, we’ve got six quick tips to help decrease guilt and increase your energy through this holiday season.

4 Tricks to Thrive While Working from Home

4 Tricks to Thrive While Working from Home

Over the past decade, technological advances have shattered the ball and chain restricting where and how we work. The traditional workstation that included a computer, monitor, plug in mouse, and filing cabinets is close to extinction. Laptops are extremely common if not the only way people work and the majority of our information is stored in the cloud making paper records obsolete. We now have the ability to work from home, on vacation, or at the beach if you can maneuver your screen against the sun’s glare. Social tools keep us connected to our teams and working outside the office is the new perk many companies jump to provide employees.

Working remotely has it perks including skipping the dreadful commute, home cooked meals, and decreased distractions from coworkers. But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Waking up without anyone to physically report to can lead to four or five snoozes - sometimes more than our body needs. When you finally pull yourself out of bed, guilt envelops you. To placate, you flip open your computer to get started only to find the rush of morning emails has overtaken your inbox. Before you know it, the clock reads 11:30 am and you’re still in your pj’s, haven’t eaten breakfast or even brushed your teeth for the day.

Of course, a day here and there that starts like this isn’t necessarily a problem. However, to be successful working from home, whether it’s every day or once a week, there are certainly best practices that make it easier. Check out these four quick tips to thrive while working from home.

4 Tips to Identify & Mitigate Common Pains

4 Tips to Identify & Mitigate Common Pains

Pinpointing the origin of many of your aches and pains is no easy task. Whether it be the crick on the side of your neck that just won't go away or the mild tension on your outer hip that annoys you while seated in your chair at work, the reason for these discomforts can’t be easily identified. Many pains that start off as minor discomforts can snowball into full-blown-it’s-time-to-do-something-about-this-right-now-excruciating pain. The source, in many of these circumstances, unveils itself sneakily in the unconscious ways you move or don’t move your bodies throughout the day.

Let’s take a moment to think back on the last 24 hours of your life. How long have you spent seated in a chair, on the couch or even reclined in bed? How was your posture during these periods? Do you cross your ankles throwing off the weight in your hips while seated? Do you lay on one side applying more pressure to one shoulder? How about the shape of your spine? If someone took a picture of you without your awareness, what would you look like typing on your phone/computer or even driving? Add up these minutes and hours. How much time per day do you spend in these precarious shapes?

The reality is most of us sit, stand, and move throughout our days like we are some sort of contortionist, twisted into pretzels without the delightful cinnamon topping, setting ourselves up for a lifetime of pain and injuries. So what can we do about it? By being aware of your posture and integrating mindful habits you can discover the root for your pain and retrain your body to move with you instead of against you. Check out these 4 quick tips to realign your daily movement and identify the culprit of your pain!  

4 Best Practices for Creating a Fall Routine

4 Best Practices for Creating a Fall Routine

With only four months left in 2018, the fall season presents the perfect time to hunker down and refocus on those slightly forgotten, and perhaps dusty, 2018 New Year resolutions and goals. Now that schools are back in session, the weather starts to turn crispier in the morning, and summer vacations are only a memory of the past, this season couldn’t be a better time to set your mind on finishing this year strong.

As fall brings less daylight, our inclination to sleep in, watch a little more television, and rest through the weekend starts to grow. Knowing this, however, we can be strategic in how we spend our waking hours during the fall season. A rainy Saturday every now and then might be a good opportunity to catch up on your favorite TV series,  but eight or ten Saturdays spent catching up might leave you feeling a sense of regret or disappointment come December 31st. So what can you do to make the most of this time of year?

Well, before the hectic holiday season starts, you can prepare yourself for a strong finish in 2018 by developing a healthy fall routine now. So grab your planner, find a comfortable spot, kick up your heels and check out these four awesome tips for setting your routine.

5 Quick Exercises to Fix Bad Posture at Work

5 Quick Exercises to Fix Bad Posture at Work

Let’s face it, maintaining good posture within the office setting is a constant struggle. Statistically speaking, eight out of ten Americans will suffer from back pain over the course of their lifetime. With so many people, places and things fighting for our attention every second we’re awake, finding time to be mindful about our body position while going about our work day can be exceptionally difficult. Hours spent commuting, working at our desks, checking our phones, and sitting through meeting roll right into eight plus hours a day. All of this toiling silently takes a toll on our bodies. It’s only when the pain begins that we finally stop and listen to our bodies. Fortunately, there are several exercises to help reduce your risk of pain in the office, and I’m going to share them with you.

7 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy at Work

The season of sunshine, long days, cool nights, BBQ’s, vacations, and outdoor activities is upon us - finally! With the additional sunshine providing more of that glorious daylight for summertime activities, sleeping in and naps have lost all their shiny luster and allure.

Not only are the summer months filled with more outdoor activities, they also have other naturally occurring phenomena that make sleep more difficult. Take, for example, the light that hits your bedroom in mid-December versus early July. For many of us, this provides a stark difference in sleeping in arrangements. While a quick pillow over your face can help some, the natural light works to awaken your body’s clock, which makes sleeping in a battle set for defeat. Let’s not forget the additional heat a well-lit room provides, fighting the warmth can make you sleepier and you might as well rise with the chickens to embrace the change.

How to Prevent Neck Pain at Work

How to Prevent Neck Pain at Work

Do you ever think about the fact that your neck holds the weight of a bowling ball (8-10 lbs.) all day long at work?  So it may not be a surprise to you as to why you might find yourself with sore or tight neck muscles at the end of the workday. Those symptoms might be related to the stress placed on your neck and spine through common, everyday work-related activities, such as working at a desk. To help you stay safe and productive at work, here are 7 quick tips for preventing neck pain in the office.

5 Quick Tips to Avoid Unhealthy Snacking at Work

5 Quick Tips to Avoid Unhealthy Snacking at Work

Do you find yourself sabotaging your desire to eat healthy at work?

Let’s be honest, it's easy to indulge when break rooms are notorious for providing sugary, salty snacks, birthday cakes, pizza parties, and treats sent from clients. Even the anti-snackers can find themselves susceptible to office snacking temptations.

When we consume too many carbohydrates or minimal healthy fats and proteins, our blood sugar levels spike and crash quickly. When this happens, your body starts to crave the fastest fuel it can consume - refined grains and simple sugars - resulting in unhealthy snacking habits.

So how do you avoid the never-ending flow of unhealthy snacks and make healthier choices to maintain high energy levels through your day? Click below to find out.

How To Declutter Your Desk Like Monica Geller

How To Declutter Your Desk Like Monica Geller

Do you ever find yourself playing defense at work? A memo thrown at you here. A proposal tossed over there. A report on this corner. A sticky-note on that corner. It seems that no matter how hard you try to defend your desk, more and more information finds a way to land on whatever clear spots are available.

“There’s only so much space,” you plead, but unfortunately, that doesn’t stop the onslaught. Eventually, you grow weary from the defense and temporarily let down your guard. It’s at that moment when the clutter pile seed gets planted and begins to grow.

Clutter can be everywhere you look, but when clutter comes to your work desk, however, the piles of folders, projects and office swag can do more than create an eyesore for your office’s resident Monica. The clutter can also impact the way you work and how you think.   Fortunately, clutter can be controlled, and when it is, you’ll get to enjoy the amazing benefits of having a completely decluttered desk I’m going to share with you. As a bonus, I’ll also share 6 easy steps for decluttering your desk.

How to Make a Delicious Salad for Your Office Lunch in 6 Steps

How to Make a Delicious Salad for Your Office Lunch in 6 Steps

Contrary to popular belief, salads can be delicious without bacon bits, cheese and ranch dressing. As crazy as this may sound, there are other ingredients out there that can be just as, if not more, tasty. So, if those three ingredients aren't invited to the party, what else could possibly make lettuce palatable? Well fret not, my friend, I'm going to share with you my secret process for building unbelievably delicious salads and give you some hints on extra tasty ingredients that’ll make you forget about bacon.

3 Quick Tips for Keeping Your Wrists Healthy at Work

3 Quick Tips for Keeping Your Wrists Healthy at Work

There's no surprise that computers are here to stay.

Not only do many us live on computers throughout the work day, but even when we're home, we find it difficult to get off our devices.  While keyboarding and mousing may not be considered a strenuous activity, when done improperly, they can cause damage to the wrists over time, resulting in painful and sometimes permanent damage.